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All Things Fashionable!


Eugenia, Heidi 

Heidi Kaisand
Good morning and welcome to create with Heidi. I'm Heidi Kaisand, owner of Hen and chicks studio in Conrad, Iowa, and lover of all things creative. Each week here on create with Heidi, we like to cover topics that educate and inspire you about how people are being creative, whether it's quilting, scrapbooking food wall or just hanging out with others who seem to have their creative Mojo groovin in all the right directions. We are excited to share these things with you. Each week I love to start with a quote because I just always enjoy a good quote. Try to find one that fits the the topic of the day. And today's quote is what you wear is how you present yourself to the world. Especially today when human contacts are so quick fashion is instant language. And I will not say his first name correctly, but its product is the last name and I think everybody when you hear product you definitely think clothes shoes. And it's perfect because today I have Eugenia the wardrobe stylist with us. Good morning, Eugenia, how are you today?
Eugenia Battaglia
Good morning. I am well thank you. Thank you so much for having me on Heidi.
Heidi Kaisand
Oh, I'm so glad that we have gotten to meet and work together. And it has just been a pleasure. Tell everybody that is listening. What is it that you do as a wardrobe stylist?
Eugenia Battaglia
Oh, thank you. What do I do? Let's see, sometimes I feel like I am more of a therapist than anything else. wardrobe. You know, whenever you deal anything with something as this right with Yes, dressing someone or helping someone style really that's what it is. or someone's personal brand, as I call it often. It's very vulnerable and very personal. So we'll start with that. That's the emotional side of things that affect you. And probably the main reason you first contact me right because you may not be feeling good. About how about yourself or how you look at or how you look in a mirror and, and how you feel when you walk into your closet. So a wardrobe stylist in essence, I help you develop a personal style that speaks to who you are from the inside out. So it will encompass your, your professional life, and your lifestyle life. And so I do everything from assisting you to go through your closet, item by item to see if it fits you if it flatters you, and most importantly, if you love it, and how you know. And as you as you know, we did this exercise together. So I help you do that. And then I help you go shopping and buy those items. Those clothes so shoes, purses, you name it jewelry, that speaks to who you are and to your budget. So to your lifestyle. as as as a person
Heidi Kaisand
Yes. And and we did go through were you caught you call the closet? What do you what do you phrase it as because it was a
Eugenia Battaglia
closet edit closet? closet, edit your closet?
Heidi Kaisand
And it is such an experience, Because what do most of us know most of us know that we have too much stuff in our closet. And we've been hanging on to things for too long. And, and sometimes it's hard. I mean, so so we did. It was a very interesting experience. Because we did it via zoom, because you're actually in Utah.
Eugenia Battaglia
Yeah, I do. I live in Utah.
Heidi Kaisand
Yeah. And so just so people understand wherever you're listening at this moment from You do not have to be in the same city. Of course, we would love it. I can only imagine what fun we would have had, had you been in person.
Eugenia Battaglia
But oh, it's a blast.
Heidi Kaisand
it was but it's doable via zoom. But, you know, when I pull out it pulled out one item that had the dry cleaning receipt that I believe wasn't it 2012 and I haven't worn it since then. What does that say? It says It's time. It's time to get rid of that thing out of your closet.
Eugenia Battaglia
And I find you're not alone. Heidi. Sorry. I interrupted you.
Heidi Kaisand
No, no, no, I bet you find that a lot as you go through.
Eugenia Battaglia
Correct. You're not alone. Most people I work mostly with women And a few brave men, that's just the way it goes. So I'm gonna use the example as women, most women have that in their closet or have their closets that feel that way, we all have items in our closet more often than not. And it's really been about 80% of what you usually have hanging in your closet, you don't wear, it just sits there typically season after season, year after year. And you nailed it, I think, I think we are just overwhelmed. We know it needs to happen. We know we need to edit it, we know we need to donate it or subconsciously we don't love it. But it's almost like the fact of having to taking action and donating it to someone else. Maybe there's guilt in it, maybe you are hoping that you're going to get back into it. Or you just simply don't want to deal with it. Because it's kind of it's a mental thing. It is. I think we all have enough in our place, mentally to go through. And the last thing sometimes we want to handle is our closet. But if you think about that's really where your day starts, it is a start in your closet. It's an armor as I call I call it right? Yeah, but on an armor, we can't walk around naked. So we put on an armor each and every day. And sometimes we put it on with purpose. But a lot of times are most often it doesn't have a purpose. We're just putting it on because again, we have to put on clothes, or we think it will just do or we don't you know, we don't know what to do about it. I think that's also when a lot of cases. Oh, it is so agree with that.
Heidi Kaisand
I would totally agree with that. And, you know, we're off to a wonderful start. And I want to talk more about this closet edit. But we've got to take a quick commercial break. And we'll be back right after this. Welcome back to create with Heidi, and I am here with Eugenia the wardrobe stylist. And we're talking about being creative in our closets, because we all as as you know, you were saying we all have sometimes emotional attachments to things or, or you know, whatever. And I mean, lots of different excuses. And one of the things that I still have chuckling about and and Well, during my closet edit with you was nothing was on touchable, right? Because you could see everything on my shelves. And you're saying what's what's down there on that shelf. And I'm like, Oh, that's like some t shirts that I use when I guard you know, like, they're my gardening t shirts. And and I you know, you kept I kind of thought maybe you were just going to skip that I you know, to be honest, I thought, well, she's not going to spend her time on that. And yet you pushed me in a very lovingly gentle way to say what is in that pile? And I believe at that point, there was 20 some t shirts that I had said, were my were my gardening t shirts. And and you said so like, do you garden every day? And I'm like, No. How often do you garden? Oh, if I'm lucky once a month. Okay, we know, it's that honest truth of why am I keeping 20 some shirts? Because I will wear one when I garden? And if I'm lucky. It's once a month.
Eugenia Battaglia
That's correct. And and I it's a great point. It's a great point.
Heidi Kaisand
Yeah, and yeah, it wasn't saying there's, there's some guilt, you talked about that there's some guilt of like I had, but then I look at the T shirts. And I'm like, Okay, this one I bought at you know, I'm gonna say at a very cheap price. It because I thought oh, it was a fun color. You know what I mean? Like it but but it really doesn't fit me. So I'm not wearing it for work. I'm not wearing it for for something else, because it never fit correctly. And so it's like, it's time for it to go away.
Eugenia Battaglia
Exactly. And that's the next point too. But I think you nailed it. And I also think it's kind of like a safety blanket. I think if we get rid of those items in our in our wardrobe or those clothes, it's we're getting rid of a part of us. And there's so many stories. I've heard so many stories throughout the years, you know, whether, you know they're sentimental, that's a whole other thing which you also had some sentimental pieces, or did it's very true if you really just stop for a second and you don't have to spend very much time this is not the purpose of a closet edit is not to be painful or stressful. It's supposed to be when you're ready to move on and create Better items that need to come into your life at the time that you are in now. Correct, you know, care that you are professional personal setting where you're at. So yeah, it's, I think, and also, I think it's a cultural thing too, here in America, we, there's such an abundance of everything all the time, right? And things are so affordable. Let's like you said, you can buy a T shirt for five bucks for 10 bucks. And he's like, what the heck, it's a fun color. But then there's also another part of things, too, that I've lately been thinking about to insuring with my clients. And that is, the more we accumulate, we also need to think about the environment. Right? We have mounds of clothes, every year 1000s of pounds that are not recyclable, and what does that doing also for our environment, and what you know, so just, I don't want to get too crazy into that go down that road at all. But it's just an awareness. It is it is awareness, I think awareness is a very important thing. Because sometimes we think it's just 10 bucks. But I'd much rather you spend those $10 in all those 20 t shirts I'm being I mean, just go with me for a second, and then buy something that you really love. And that you're going to it's going to make you feel good. versus a bunch of little cheap, or inexpensive items. That's just going to sit there, you've just wasted your money. So it's just shifting right. From perspective. Yeah, and, and awareness. I love those two words, awareness and perspective. So just looking at things with a different eye. And see where that takes you. But yeah,
Heidi Kaisand
yes. And then there was the feeling. So 80% of my closet ended up out in the hall. And
Eugenia Battaglia
you lost a lot of weight to your weight. Yep, it shifted.
Heidi Kaisand
Yep. And so it was time also, to see some different sizes go I've maintained my weight, my new weight for at this point over a year. So I surely can continue to maintain that I'm not going to go backwards. I mean, I'm you know, working very hard not to. But okay, so now 80% of my closet is out in the hall getting ready. You don't I mean to be boxed up and whatever. walking back in to my closet was as real. I mean, I'm trying to think of what what's the emotion that I can do? How you you feel lighter?
Eugenia Battaglia
Oh my gosh, yes. And usually what most people say to me is they feel lighter. It's so funny that you're saying that. Because that same week, I went through the same exercise with another lady from a different state. And that was exactly also what she said. And, and that's usually what I usually hear you feel lighter. It's like a weight. Yeah, if you think about it, Heidi, everything is around us and everything we own. And everything in the world has energy. So does your $10 t shirt. So does your $100 jacket. So does your whatever that is. Everything has energy and what does that energy doing for you? Is it weighing you down emotionally? And your home? Right? The fill of your home your surroundings? Or is that adding to you to your happiness to your brand? Is that helping you make money? Is that helping you find a partner you're looking for? One is that helping you in your personal life and your intimate life? That's a good one.
Heidi Kaisand
It it is in also in our, our, our self confidence. I think a lot of the things that you and I've talked about during the closet Edit and then also some some styling with some, some new things is is the we're trying to hide things, we're buying clothes that are we're trying to hide parts of our body that maybe we don't like, or that we don't feel as confident about. And then I look at that and I say well then what is if I'm doing that, what am I saying to my 13 year old daughters about what their love that you recognize that
Eugenia Battaglia
you know, so important.
Heidi Kaisand
And you were you were so complimentary of my shape, whatever that shape is, and I sure you're like that with everybody is that it's not about if you want to say changing our shape, but it's like try to try to figure out how to bring and you've already referenced this one what's inside of us out of our personnel personality and bringing that out to what we're wearing and making us feel good from the inside out. And I love that too.
Eugenia Battaglia
Yes, it's I do believe and I do have a belief in me that every woman is beautiful the way they are. That does not mean you if you need to get healthier, or if you're going after. You know if you need to change your lifestyle health wise dieting or I don't like the word diet but You know what I'm saying? If you need to lose weight, I'm not saying that's not okay, do it, do whatever. It's going to help your health. But the way you are today, you're perfect. You're beautiful. And I think we have this idea of what beautiful is. And unfortunately, you know, I don't know if it's I think social media hasn't helped that. But it which then it takes up. It doesn't help our young, our daughters either. And you made a very good point with what are we saying? And how are we portraying ourselves about our body, to our daughters. And our boys, even our sons, sons are not men are not excluded from this from body image. But true. Women, we are a lot more affected for some reason. It's just the way it is. And what are we saying? And I remember, I remember throughout the years, you know, when I'm out shopping or in dressing rooms, with clients, or even just by myself, sometimes next door, you have a mother and a daughter, and you hear this mother picking up her body right in front of her daughter. And it just just I just want to just tell her to just stop.
Heidi Kaisand
Yes, it is. So it's so important,
Eugenia Battaglia
Heidi Kaisand
It is it is so important to have a good image. Well, we're having a great discussion, we're gonna take a quick commercial break. We'll be back right after this. Welcome back to create with Heidi, this is Heidi Kaisand from Hen and chicks studio. And I'm with you Eugenia, the wardrobe stylist, and we're having so much fun talking about all things clothing, and what we're wearing on the outside and how it reflects what's on the inside of us. And I think that's so important too. And one of the things that since knowing you, Eugenia, that has happened. And I've thought a lot about this in the last few days as as preparing for talking with him with you today is that I don't I don't want to wear clothes, to have people compliment me, you know, I mean, like I, I want to look good. But boy, oh boy, does it feel good. When some when I'm wearing something, and somebody does compliment me. And I think it's funny how that is it's like I'm not, I'm not going out and buying clothes to say Oh, because I want to make sure people, you know, say these things. But when when, when I am wearing something that apparently reflects, does reflect the inside of me on the outside. That is a good feeling.
Eugenia Battaglia
That is a really good feeling. And, and definitely makes me happy. I don't know how to say it other than that, but it's it's a no, you nailed it. You nailed it. And it's it's That's exactly right. Heidi, it is important, obviously, for us to portray, you know, to the world a certain way. Unfortunately, we all make assumptions of one another. And and that sometimes greatly matters, right? We don't. That's the point that I want to make is that number one, number one is you. How do you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror, and when you're wearing those clothes that fit you there are updated that add some Jewish right into your life. So because then automatically what happens is that shifts that confidence shift to a greater confidence. And then the world can help but notice you anyway. Right. So you will get noticed, people will notice. People always notice when you look good, always they compliment they look at you a little longer, you know, and one of them. I don't know that it's just at first glance what you look like because we are very, we are very visual people. But it's also that the energy that it's exuding from you that people notice you look happier, you know, you're smiling more, almost like you've got an extra. I don't know swing in your step. So people will automatically notice but yes, the most important thing is you How do you feel it's all about a feeling. And then it will automatically shift everything else around us. But yes, your clothes were all too big due to some weight loss. Yes. The other thing too that I wanted to bring up to you is if and when? Again, if and when you were to ever put on some weight back on. I think you your perspective on how to shop for clothing would be different. Yes, it would because of the importance that I've stated when I bought you some new clothes when we when you started investing in some new items of how things really shift fit you you know not hide your body. But But showcase the best parts of your body. Yes, you have beautiful curves, and you are a beautiful tall woman. And that should be celebrated. So if and when you ever put on weight again, then you know how it should fit you. And the thing is, it may not even be visible, because you're not hiding, or I would hope you wouldn't hide anymore.
Heidi Kaisand
Correct? Correct. And I think that's something goes both ways. It does, it does. And I think you are so correct that, that whatever my shape is, down the road, that I will be more aware of how I'm buying clothes to fit that shape. And, and I, I think that over the years, I've always because I'm tall. I've always bought larger sizes, because I thought it was it that was the appropriate. You know, like, you know, that was better on me or it looked you know, it looked and in some cases, I think I think we use the word tent. In some cases it Yeah, everything I you know, was more of like making me look like I was wearing a tent rather than enjoying the shape that I really am. And yeah, and it's not like