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Heidi Kaisand
Good morning and welcome to create with Heidi. I'm Heidi Kaisand, owner of hen and chick studio in Conrad, Iowa, and lover of all things creative each week here on create with Heidi we like to cover topics that educate and inspire you about how people are being creative. Whether it's quilting, scrapbooking food wall, or just hanging out with others who seem to have their creative Mojo groovin in all the right directions. We are excited to share these things with you. We're equally excited to be a partner with Newstalk 1230 kF JB in win Kyle's cash if you want a chance at winning $1,000. And man, could we do a lot with that, you definitely want to visit their website at 12 30k f j And learn how you can have that chance at winning $1,000. We, of course would love to take all of Kyle's money and break the bank. So check that out. Today, as I always like to start with a quote. It was it was a little tougher today to pick out a quote that was appropriate for the topic today. But I finally decided that this was the right one and this is from Alec wack. It is the most beautiful things are not associated with money. They are memories and moments. If you don't celebrate those they can pass you by. And why ended up choosing that particular quote is that today, we are going to be talking about Conrad's own hometown celebration of black dirt days. And I have as our special guest, Lindsay kuhl. So good morning, Lindsay, how are you today?
Lindsay Kuhl
Good morning, Heidi. I am Great. Thank you for having me.
Heidi Kaisand
Absolutely. And when I again, when I was searching for a quote, what finally struck me as I think that what what we so often think about with black dirt days is that those memories and those moments that are associated with that event? And so I thought oh, I think that's just the right one for today. So first of all, let's find out when are black dirt days this year?
Lindsay Kuhl
They are Friday and Saturday, June 11.
Heidi Kaisand
Well, that is wonderful. So that will be coming up here in just a couple of weeks. And do Do we have a theme for this year's event?
Lindsay Kuhl
Oh, I didn't really have a theme so much this year, as we're just super excited that we're able to plan everything ahead. So we're more focused on the community aspect, and you know, the coming together of it, versus having an actual theme this year.
Heidi Kaisand
Well, that is wonderful. Now tell us a little bit because you know, because Hen and chicks Studio has so many visitors from outside of Conrad, and they see the sign that's to the south of my building. And it says, you know, home of black dirt? You know, tell tell us the history of that. Why? Why are we celebrating black dirt?
Lindsay Kuhl
Well, the actual black dirt is, it is literally what it is. It's black dirt. The soil in Grundy county is some of the best farm ground in the world. So why not celebrate that? As far as how we came up with the name? I'm not 100% sure on that, but it's the festival itself started probably in the early 90s. So it is back a while. Absolutely. And and I'm assuming as with any event, it has probably had different different variations and different alliterations of of what an event is.
Heidi Kaisand
But I think you started you know, earlier to say a little bit, you know, what is the goal of black dirt days? What are we you know, you know, what is what's your What's your goal when the weekend is over? When the weekend is over?
Lindsay Kuhl
No, we want people to walk away saying, you know, we saw people we haven't seen in a while we got together with people we haven't seen in a while. We had a great time and Conrad essentially, you know, whether you be the age of three, or 60 you had there was something that you took away that made your day better and Conrad.
Heidi Kaisand
And that is so true. I think that Conrad's a pretty happy little community. And so it's fun to see all of the you know, all the people gathered together out on Main Street and that kind of thing and enjoy not only each other, but the other activities that are going on. So, so tell us what are some highlights of what is going to be part of black dirt days in 2021
Lindsay Kuhl
Yes, I am excited. So this is my first year, kind of running the whole thing. You know, I have great helpers. But I guess I don't like to call myself the chairperson. But that is technically what I am. So we brought back the truck pulls, the truck and tractor pulls will be Saturday night this year. Those are always a lot of fun and a big event, they bring a lot of people to town. We got two featured inflatables. This year. That will be on Saturday during the day we got a big rock wall in a big bungee jump. So those are something different than we've had in the past. We got two great bands, one Friday night and one Saturday night. And we also brought back the fireworks Friday night this year. So there's a jam packed schedule full of something for everyone. But I would say those are kind of our big things that we're excited about this year.
Heidi Kaisand
You bet Now, did you say parade?
Lindsay Kuhl
I don't know if I said it. But There sure is a parade. Yeah, the Grand Parade is at 11:30 on Saturday
Heidi Kaisand
Very good. Well, yeah, it sounds like you have in your first year you've gotten off to a good start. I certainly want to we want to talk a little bit more about some of those events. And we're going to take a quick commercial break. And we'll be back right after this. Welcome back to create with Heidi, this is Heidi Kaisand, owner ofHen and chicks studio in Conrad, Iowa. And today, I've got Lindsay kuhl as my guest, and she is the chairperson of our black dirt days. Now Lindsay one of the things that this is a completely volunteer, is it a volunteer run organization?
Lindsay Kuhl
Yes, correct. completely run by volunteers and people and businesses donation. And so it is it is truly a community event and a community celebration.
Heidi Kaisand
And so I'm sure you're always looking for different kinds of help.
Lindsay Kuhl
Yes, we want we all we love new volunteers, we are always welcoming.
Heidi Kaisand
And so if somebody if somebody was listening to this today, and you know, we'd obviously the the event is in a couple of weeks, if they were wanting to get involved, are there ways for them to still get involved?
Lindsay Kuhl
Yes. So we do have a few ways less. So far, you know, we've been only a few weeks away, we've kind of got the majority of things covered. But there is still a few ways to get involved. We have a hospitality tent that we set up on Saturday. And there are still a few spots to volunteer at that. There's always room for people to kind of help set up inflatables. And a few other ways. And then of course, there is always next year, we would love to have you come back and help us next year.
Heidi Kaisand
Right. So they can certainly if they've got interest, they can express that too. And if there isn't a job for him this year, I'm sure you can find a job for him next year. Because it's I know, it's those kinds of events are always a big undertaking. Always a big undertaking. Yeah. And one of the other things I was thinking about and you're talking about people, you know, gathering in, you know, maybe haven't seen people for a while. D are there class reunions that go on through the school during during that weekend, typically as well?
Lindsay Kuhl
Yes, there usually is. That's usually not something I'm too much made aware of. But I know that there is you know, they usually do something Saturday during the day with our class and then go to the band Saturday night. So I know a few years ago, my husband had his class reunion during black dirt days. And yeah, we just had a gathering during the day and then all made our way up town at night.
Heidi Kaisand
So and that's it is a fun way to combine all those fun, funny events together into an event. So let's talk a little bit about the parade. And you said you called it the grand the Grand Parade. Yep. And what time is it on Saturday?
Lindsay Kuhl
It starts at 11:30 and if somebody wants to get involved in being in the parade, how does that happen? So lineup starts at the btw High School parking lot. Usually I would say between 1030 and 11. The lineup starts there. It is not required that you tell us that you're coming. You can just show up that day and we'll put you in line that is no big deal. But there are some people that like to tell us they're coming so they can tell me Or they can call Midwest one bank and let Katie Richter know is kind of the head of the parade.
Heidi Kaisand
Very good. And I always think that the parade has is traditionally just a really nice parade. Lots of good candy getting thrown out.
Lindsay Kuhl
Always. Yeah, always a highlight. Of course, I have a bird's eye view of the parade because it goes right by our building. And so I can watch the whole thing very, very easily. It's it's a lot of fun. And, you know,
Heidi Kaisand
are there are there specific things that you like to see in your parade?
Lindsay Kuhl
We love a variety we love new people coming. people that haven't new and old people that have been with us, for you know, how many years now and then new people. And we'll take anyone in everyone, if you have a small business, if you have a big business, if you just want to come advertise something in the crate, that is totally fine. If you want to walk your dog, you know, we were open we love We love to accept people. It is, you know, as I say sometimes it's those fun, those fun unexpected things that a parade or a group of bikers or, you know, with their bicycles decorated or something that usually make me smile, you know, kind of thing. So it's, it's exactly, yeah, you want to see all those kinds of groups that gymnast's and you know, somebody you know, torlon something as they go down the street. It's always fun. That's always fun.
Heidi Kaisand
Okay, so a couple other things that you've got going on. You've got the truck pull, you talked about that. And tell us a little bit about where is that actually held?
Lindsay Kuhl
So it's held just south of the, we call it the Midway where everything is, you know, normally, just south of that. On mid Iowa Co Op ground, right behind Ritchie's right behind mid Iowa, where it normally is every year between the basically between the bike trail, and Richie's. And you'll see everything all set up, you know, the fencing, the porta potties, the bleachers, the light, you know, people start coming into town pretty early, so it's hard to miss it.
Heidi Kaisand
Absolutely. And and are there? Is there a specific place that people go to sign up if they want to be a part of that event?
Lindsay Kuhl
I believe you can just show up that day. And get registered. It is through mid Iowa polars. Association. Okay, we have some run it. So their website and Facebook page, it's also a good place for information. Very good. And thinking of speaking of websites and stuff, where is the best place for people to get like an updated, you know, schedule all these events we're talking about? Is it to go to the Facebook page for black dirt days or a website? where's the best place to learn about black dirt days? Yes, our Facebook page is definitely the best place there is constantly things being updated, you know, highlight post, and it gets the post get more frequent The closer we get. So that you we don't want anyone to miss anything. And that's Conrad black days. Okay. So that that would definitely be a place that you want to go. And it is, if you just type it into Conrad black dirt days, that will take you to that Facebook page.
Heidi Kaisand
Yep. Okay, awesome. And we'll be sure to put a link, of course, in all of our promotion materials, and on our website as well. Well, I know one of the highlights. In fact, you know, we have a retreat center at hen and chicks studio. And last year, the retreaters. That are, well, it would have been two years ago. Now, two years ago, that were there during black dirt days, I was a little nervous. I have to admittedly say as a business owner, like what would these women think about having the band literally on the corner of the street, you know, outside of the of the, you know, the retreat center? Well, let me tell you, Lindsay, that they're like now what day is this going to be next year? And is that band coming back? Because they loved it. They loved the band? Yes. They loved the band. And so here my concerns were washed away. And they absolutely loved hearing more about about those bands. So tell me just a little bit about about those bands.
Lindsay Kuhl
So Friday night, we have tanky Anthony band. They're pretty local. They're they're from around here. Not Conrad, but you know, near and they are great. I have seen them before they play a good variety. They have played many places around us, you know, most people have heard them. We're really excited to have them. And then Saturday night, Grand Marshal will be playing and they played the fundraiser. They play in Marshalltown all the time. They're also local. And people are super, super excited for them to come back to Conrad. Well, that is awesome. They also play a good variety.
Heidi Kaisand
Yeah. Wonderful. We're gonna take a quick commercial break, and we'll be back right after this. Welcome back to create with Heidi, this is Heidi Kaisand, owner of hen and chicks studio in Conrad, Iowa. And we're talking about Conrad and about, you know, the the celebration that we have every year. It's called Black dirt days, and it is June 11, through the 12th. And it is celebrating not only, of course, everything about Conrad, but just acknowledging that the black dirt that is in Grundy county county and is a big part of our community, our farming community is is important for us that black dirt. And let's for listeners that might not be super familiar with Conrad, let's see our what is our population these days? Lindsay? Are we What about 1100? People?
Lindsay Kuhl
Yeah, I think so. Maybe pushing 1500.
Heidi Kaisand
And, you know, Conrad, I always describe it as we truly are in the heart of Iowa, that, you know, if you were to you know, find, you know, Central, pretty, pretty Central Iowa. We're north of Marshalltown about 14 miles. We're halfway between Des Moines and Waterloo, just off of Highway 14. And it's just a fun little community. I certainly see with customers that are coming to hen and chicks studio. We're not exactly the community that you have to go through to get somewhere. You know, you you, you need to turn off of Highway 14 to come into Conrad to see what a cute and and quaint community we have. And I think that is something that a lot of people I hear a lot. They're like, Oh, I've passed the sign, but I didn't know what Conrad was. So we definitely encourage encourage people to turn off of Highway 14, and come into Conrad and learn more about our community and help us celebrate in June. Yeah, there's a lot of things here to celebrate. Back to the bands for a minute. I do want to come back to that for one more minute. You talked about these two great bands? Are those paid events or free events? I don't I don't know how that is handled or those events that somebody has to pay, I get a ticket to how does that work?
Lindsay Kuhl
No, they can watch from the outside of your garden or inside of your garden. And they are free events for the community.
Heidi Kaisand
And so that is wonderful that all this great entertainment, and you can pull up a chair. And and that's obviously be the retreaters they just I think opened the windows up. And you know, and were able to listen in. So that is wonderful. What a What a great addition to, to our celebration for that those to be free events. Yeah.
Lindsay Kuhl
On the free note of it, the our Saturday night band this year, so normally, everything is just kind of looped under all of our sponsors. But Ricky's business in our community is celebrating their 100 years in business this year. So they're being a little bit more involved in blacker days, and they sponsored the Saturday night band. Why and part of the troubles so and they're also our grand marshal. That is without her a bunch of Ritchie's.
Heidi Kaisand
Yes, that is awesome. You know, Conrad has some really unique things about it. And here we are this, you know, small community, but we reach so much farther and and our main street is a block and a half basically. And yet we have Ritchie industries, which is what you said is celebrating 100 years in business, and they're an international company for farm products. And at the other end of Main Street, we have new care of pharmacy and they reach is five, seven states. I don't even know at this point how broad but that's based in, in Conrad and they're not on Main Street. per se, but a another big business is green products. And they're also International. So I think that's pretty cool about our little community. And we could say I mean, hen and chicks studio, we set we send fabric internationally. So I guess we're at an international as well. Well, yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. So there's lots of things to celebrate in our community. And we love that about, about Conrad just lots of lots of good support amongst all of the businesses and that community. So that's great. Are there other things about Dr days, anything else that we have not talked about or touched on?
Lindsay Kuhl
Not a ton. We covered a lot. I appreciate it very much. You know, we're, we're just we're planning Full speed ahead. A full normal schedule. You know, the woodcarving. The deadlift is back, you know, the food, there will be so much food in the main in the Midway, some new vendors, some old vendors, we're just we're really excited and getting geared up for the big event. It's less than a month away.
Heidi Kaisand
So and that is awesome. And also while all of this is going on, Hen and chicks studio is participating in the all Iowa shop hop. And so we'll have quilters coming from all over Iowa to visit us as part of the all Iowa shop. So that is exciting as well. So Lindsay, thank you so much for being on the show today. We hope everybody will visit Hen and chicks studio in Conrad or online at hen and chicks to find everything you need to know about quilting and all things creative. We're open Monday through Friday 10 to five and Saturday 10 to three. And we of course hope you'll visit 12 30k f j And have a chance at winning