Cristen Clark joins Heidi Kaisand on today's episode of Create With Heidi. Cristen Clark is part of the 6th generation on her family's grain farm in central Iowa. Between her family, her sister and her folks, they raise corn, soybeans, beef cattle and hogs. She, along with her husband Mike and children Halle (12) and Barrett (9) also have a small purebred seedstock operation called "The Clark Families" where they raise Yorkshires, Durocs and Hampshires for show and a small butcher business. She started the blog "Food & Swine" as away to archive contest-winning recipes and share tidbits about her growing family, like a digital scrapbook. She is an active elementary school volunteer, youth sports coach and bacon connoisseur. She writes food columns for various print publications, such as Fresh Pickings and Our Iowa magazines among others and develops recipes for various clients.
Connect with Cristen on social media: @Foodandswine or use this link to view her website: