Heidi Kaisand
Good morning and welcome to create with Heidi. I'm Heidi Kaisand, owner of Hen and chicks studio in Conrad, Iowa, and lover of all things creative. Each week here on create with Heidi, we like to cover topics that educate and inspire you about how people are being creative. Whether it's quilting, scrapbooking, food, wool, or just hanging out with others who seem to have their creative Mojo groove in in all the right directions. We are excited to share these things with you. Each week, I like to start the program with a quote. But this week felt a little bit different. So it's sort of, um, well, it is it is a quote, I'm shuttering as to how I'm going to say this, but it is from the 1945 film State Fair. It is from Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. And this is where Harry says, He says, biggest bore in the world, I bet. And Margie says, All depends on how you spell it. And when I, when I read that, how could you not help but laugh. And so this morning, we are talking about all things State Fair, with Jami Willett from Hen and Chicks Studio. So good morning, Jami.
Jami Willett
Good morning. And yes, and all about the state fair, exciting.
Heidi Kaisand
It is and and of course you are such a musical inspiration to all of us with all of your music, I thought it was sort of kind of fun to have grabbed something from the State Fair musical. And I had no idea when I was researching about the state pair and looking for quotes and looking for information, that there's a song called All I O Ioway.
Jami Willett
And oh my gosh,
Heidi Kaisand
do you know what I'm talking about?
Jami Willett
I won't start singing for people. But when we get off off the radio, I'll start singing sometimes. Okay.
Heidi Kaisand
Well, it was it was really heartwarming, you know, kind of vague and kind of fun and chuckling. And of course, you put it in context of the year that it was written and all that it's just it is very, very fun. But we love the state fair, don't we?
Jami Willett
Yes, we do.
Heidi Kaisand
Yeah, we did it lightly. But yes, we love the state fair. That's right. And there are so many exciting things about the state fair. And I think one of them is simply as we're having it this year, it's going to happen. It's awesome.
Jami Willett
Yes, and we are so looking forward to once again
Heidi Kaisand
, being able to go now. How many days do you spend at the state of Iowa State Fair,
Jami Willett
while Heidi, Some people might fall off their seat. But there'll be people out there that will also be applauding right along with us. We are there the duration of the State Fair every day of the fair.
Heidi Kaisand
And because you camp there, correct?
Jami Willett
Correct? We do.
Heidi Kaisand
And it's always been fun. I will say from an outside point of view, that the whole camping situation like it's a it's an event in itself, isn't it?
Jami Willett
It is an event in itself. It is you know, some people will never understand it. But I'm gonna tell you it is so much more enjoyable when you are camping at the bear. Because you don't have to be at the fair the whole time. And the campground itself sometimes our best times. It's a family tradition. We'll put it that way too. But some of our most fun memories happen in the campground.
Heidi Kaisand
Yes. And is it true? And maybe you can't speak to this maybe like these kinds of these kinds of details are under lock and key. But is it true that like to get a camping spot, you practically have to be willed it because they're they're such highly sought after spots?
Jami Willett
It's true, it is true. There's a waiting list for it's a several year long waiting list to get a permanent spot, quote unquote, permanent spot at the fair. But they always have open spots. And you can come in and a lot of people come in and leave in and out during the fair. So there's always opportunities for other people to camp. It just may not be an assigned spot.
Heidi Kaisand
Sure. And you not just you with the camper, your folks have camper, is that correct? I mean, like there's It is like a little town.
Jami Willett
Yes. And then the particular area that we're in by coincidence, there are several local people in that same little camping area.
Heidi Kaisand
Oh, it does that. Does that include Bailey who's working for us?
Jami Willett
Yes. And Bailey and her family are actually just the next row over and it is by complete coincidence that we were assigned in the same area. So Bailey, who also have played a hand in sheet studio will also be at the fair 10 days and she may even make some guest appearances but we'll get to that here in a minute.
Heidi Kaisand
Absolutely. Well, the the Iowa State Fair is one of my favorites events in the summer to go to and I don't know how many times We'll get down this year, but we don't go every day. But we certainly tried to get down multiple times. Do you have favorite things that you like to do at the fair? I mean, I know we like to do everything but like is are, are the things that like, you're just like, oh, the first thing I'm going to do is?
Jami Willett
Well, honestly, I the whole event, there's so many things that we have certain ways that we do the fair and everybody has their own traditions. And probably some people are thinking about it right now. Some people go for the food, but you know how we've been talking about it. There's so many creative things at the fair and different creative opportunities and outlet is, is amazing. I know it has the word amazing lot, but amazing. If you have never been to the Iowa State Fair, the opportunities there have things to do and see and be inspired by are so numerous. You You couldn't even cover them all.
Heidi Kaisand
Absolutely. And you know, we should say the Iowa State Fair starts in just over a week, August 12, will be the first day it starts opens up officially on Thursday, August 12, and goes through the 22nd. So there's 10 days of the State Fair. But yeah, there's, there's so many different things I know, there's always buildings I like to hit. Because to see what creative things people are doing. And it's such a showcase of what I was, are capable of doing. So do you have a different thought this year? You know, since your I'll say last year, even though you were working at Hen and chicks studio, this will be the first year that you've been at the fair and a staff member at hen and chicks studio. Do you have any different thoughts of how you're going to approach the state fair? And I probably should say, we should probably take a quick commercial break. So I'm going to give you you know, a few seconds to think about that. And we'll talk more about it right after this. Welcome back to create with Heidi, this is Heidi Kaisand with Jami Willett from Hen and Chicks studio. And right now we can say we're, you know, technically at Hen and chicks studio, but a week from now, Jami is going to be living in her her temporary home away from home at the Iowa State Fair. And we've got some some fun things kind of cooking up, don't we, Jami?
Jami Willett
We do because we are both true loyal state Fair fans, I just have had the more tradition of being able to camp there and stay there. But since we are about all things creative, we thought why not use some of that inspiration to help inspire other people. We're always trying to do that anyway, through our take home Tuesdays, and our hen house happy hours and stuff that why not take the show on the road, right? Yes, I love it. Yes. And so you'd asked me earlier, if there was some certain things I look forward to or different things, I guess it's too numerous to actually need the ball. But one of the things I will mention is you have those traditions, and everybody has a lot of traditions they view but one of the first places I will always visit is the pottery, new harmony pottery and get my state fair crack. And so they I will be visiting them as well. And I might be bringing along some of the hen and chicks studio audience with me on that visit.
Heidi Kaisand
That's right, Jackie and Russ have always made such beautiful pottery and they're located up in pioneer Hall. And it's, I have multiple pieces also from them because they have not only are they made in Iowa, but they have a touch of Iowa on them. And and they're done. So well. Jackie's made several pieces for me over the year custom pieces too. And I just love what they could do with pottery.
Jami Willett
Yes, that's my first step. And then right outside pioneer hog, as give a little shout out to my dad. He does have his 1913 Ford Model T there. And I believe he's taking that or a different card this year. But that's always been my second stop coming down the hill from the campground is to make sure that dad get situated and he's in shade. So if we need to rescue the spot, we can stop there. Oh, go ahead and get him out. anybody listening to as well?
Heidi Kaisand
Yes. And you know, sometimes I think that some of these little gems are somewhat hidden. Like I don't know that I maybe found the cars right away. You don't I mean, like they're there. They're in a spot where if you happen to go one direction at a pioneer Hall, you're not you know, come in and out one direction, you're not going to necessarily see them. And so they are it is fun to see that was and to meet the car owners. Does your dad hang out by his car? Or does he
Jami Willett
does So he does that. He's not always there. But for the most part, he's early, he really enjoys meeting the people and stuff as well.
Heidi Kaisand
And don't you think that's one of the things about the state fair that is exciting is that you get to chat with people who are doing these creative things, firsthand and, and restoring cars. And you know, having old cars is as creative as making a quilt. I mean, they're, it's a different, it's Yes, it's different. But yet there's similarities. He has a passion for that. And I, and I'm sure enjoys talking about that passion with other people,
Jami Willett
just as co authors enjoy talking about, you know, I mean, it is, and that's why we say so often we are about all things creative, not just quoting, because the passion and that creative outlet and the the joy that's brought and self satisfaction and helping and I mean, there's just so much to anything creative. That is wonderful. There is a lot of live demonstrations at the fair. Also, people wanted to watch and see that way, there's just so many things that you could cover at the fair, you wouldn't even be able to get it all done.
Heidi Kaisand
No. And that's why we go back multiple days. And then I think, Well, wait a minute, we've been there, you know, three, four days, and there's still things that we could have done, would have liked to have done, you know, want to you know, want to try to do the next year, that kind of thing. Yeah. And so I know you have been kind of joking around a little bit. But like every day, they have different activities. And did I say here, you say that you're looking forward to yoga with goats?
Jami Willett
Yes, Bailey. I'm trying to talk Bailey into doing that with me this year as a hashtag. But yeah, we'll see if we can get that done.
Heidi Kaisand
You know, I heard Kyle one time talking about that, like, people could cuddle with cows for $75 an hour. And you know, it's amazing what, what you can do out there, but do the goats did the goats like, do the yoga with you?
Jami Willett
You know, I have no idea. Honestly, this was the a new thing for me. And we'll find out.
Heidi Kaisand
What I tried to do yoga with with Lucy, our blue healer. You know, somehow sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it works. Okay, because she'll lay down next to the mat and do her dog were down and stay there. Yeah. But there's plenty of times where she thinks that this is playtime. And she's going to you know, try to snuggle Oh, yeah, yeah, it doesn't always work. So I hope that we get some either video and or pictures of Jamie doing yoga with goats? Because that is that could be a real smile maker?
Jami Willett
Because I'm going to call it alright. Yeah, so let's just leave it at that. Yes. You're gonna make somebody smile?
Heidi Kaisand
Yes. And so there are all sorts of different things. So are you thinking that you're going to be doing a facebook live every day from the fair?
Jami Willett
Well, Heidi, you know, yes, of course, you know, we are in here's the fun now, hitting check studio. If you follow us at all, you know, we like to have a little bit of fun with what we're doing. And we really love our quote unquote, job. But we're taking Hen and Chicks on a stick to this fair,
Heidi Kaisand
I love it.
Jami Willett
So every day, we'll be coming to our Facebook community live, which you can watch it at any point in time later, but we'll be coming to our facebook community live. At some point every day of the fair, we don't wear or not revealing times or anything like that, and end up past it. We our followers have enjoyed some of the games we've done, we're going to have a challenge for this as well. So they're going to be wanting to stay tuned to find out what that challenge is. It won't be released until a fair start. But the good news is, if you're not at the fair you can participate to
Heidi Kaisand
That's right, because maybe you would love to come to the Iowa State Fair, but you don't live in Iowa. That's okay, we're going to make it so that you can learn all about the Iowa State Fair and and participate in our little challenge. We were going we are going to have a website page that will be devoted to all things at the State Fair. It will be Hen and Chicks Studio.com slash state fair and and that will be your go to location. So if you wonder what Jamie's up to, or need to know anything about the challenge that is going to be your place to go.
Jami Willett
Yes, and it will be not just wise but maybe even watching our story in some posts in a separate way. And then the challenge will come about from each of those that day. And again, you'll find out more information and following along and You won't. Let's say somebody can't watch it every day or I mean, obviously, they don't want us to buy their computer waiting for the live video, but maybe somebody does. I don't know. But they can come back to it later. Yes. And we will post all the videos on our state fair page. So if you can't find things, you know, well, we'll help you. There's no reason that you can't participate in this challenge and get a little, little goodie reward at the end for it.
Heidi Kaisand
That's right. Excuse me, one of the things that I think we try very hard to do is be as inclusive as we can, for our customers knowing that our customers are not just all in Iowa. They are in many of the states coast to coast, which we love as our family has grown. So we will definitely be keeping this all inclusive for everybody. Well, we're having fun talking about everything on a stick. All things creative at the State Fair, we're going to take a quick commercial break, and we'll be back right after this. Welcome back to create with Heidi, I'm Heidi Kaisand, with Jamie Willett from Henan chicks studio this morning, talking about the Iowa State Fair, which is going to kick off in just a few days, literally, it will be August 12, through the 22nd. And sometimes I don't think that everybody understands like how fun the Iowa State Fair can be. And how creative for example, there are hundreds, hundreds of quilters that submit quilts, to create a beautiful exhibit in the fabric and threads department.
Jami Willett
And I think that is a hidden gem. So many people probably don't even know about this, Heidi, even quilters may not know. So the fabrics and threads that we're referring to is in the various industries building up stairs. And if you've watched the varied Industries Building before, you may not even realize that it was upstairs because you didn't pay any attention. But first of all, there's a restroom up there, of good drinking fountain, air conditioning, walk up there to get take again, take a ticket, take a moment and just walk through and I'm telling you this laughter that every single day and you're gonna see something different every single day. Yeah, it's amazing.
Heidi Kaisand
I mean, there are so many. Oh, go ahead. No, they're just gonna say there's so many quilts that they can't hang them all out. So you can see the entire quilt that's I mean, and the room is huge. I mean, they they do I think Dorothy, Dorothy Paisley is the person in charge of that department. And she and her volunteer crew do an amazing job displaying all those quilts.
Jami Willett
Oh, they do. And that is one of the reasons Heidi that we really started thinking about taking hen and chicks and we joke hen and chicks on a stick. It's probably most people listening understand that can stay parallel is about whatever food on a stick that hen and chicks on a stick so they stay fair. But one of the reasons that really kind of sparked our interest in taking Henan chicks on a stick to the fair, is the fabric since red, of course, showcasing the beautiful work that people do. And we have quite a few local people that are entering items as well. But it's not necessarily about that it's about seeing the difference. And maybe hearing some of the stories behind the different. It's not just quilt, there's padding, emitting and all sorts of things up there different categories.
Heidi Kaisand
And there's categories for different ages. So youth can submit, there are, you know, senior divisions, there are group in team divisions, they're single, you know, divisions. I mean, there's all sorts of different categories that people can enter things in. And that is exciting, different techniques. I mean, all sorts of all sorts of different ways. But it will be very fun. I know you'll have at least one, if not more conversations with Dorothy throughout the week. Because she is just instrumental in making that that department click because like, I have been involved. Not in the recent couple of years past years just because our vacation has been on the wrong dates. But I have judged that the State Fair before and always amazed by the quilters that submit projects and the quality of the work. It is it is as good as any quilt show I've been to around the country.
Jami Willett
Absolutely. It's an and I've said it again, I'll say it again. Take the time