Box Trott

Quilt Details
Finished quilt: 54x78"
Finished quilt: 54x78"
Pattern design: Creative Sewlutions
Pieced by: Hen & Chicks Studio
Custom machine quilted by: Kelly Van Vliet of The Quilted Windmill
Custom machine quilted by: Kelly Van Vliet of The Quilted Windmill
Estimated value of this finished quilt: $465
Winner: Helen B.
Winner: Helen B.
Be Inspired at Hen & Chicks Studio
We're so glad you visited HenAndChicksStudio.com for the 20 in 20 Quilt Giveaway. Want to hear more from us all year long? Sign up for our enewsletter to get the latest class information and happenings at the store. Stop in and visit us at 101 North Main Street, Conrad, Iowa, or shop 24/7 online.Every Wednesday at 8:35 am Central, Heidi Kaisand hosts a live radio program, Create with Heidi, on 1230KFJB am or streaming live on 1230kfjb.com. During the 20 in 20 Quilt Giveway Heidi will be having the following special guests and programs.
March 1: Listen to our Announcement of 20 in 20 Quilt Giveaway and Terry Atkinson of Atkinson Designs (March 22 and March 31 quilt giveaways)
March 8: Listen to Heidi chat with Marti Michell of From Marti Michell (March 13 quilt giveaway)
March 15: Listen to Heidi chat with Pat Sloan. (March 20 quilt giveaway)
March 22: Listen to Heidi chat with Celine Perkins of Perkins Dry Goods (March 27 quilt giveaway)
March 29: Marshalltown Quilts of Valor
Tune in to learn more about each of these designers and the quilts that we're giving away that feature their designs in the 20 in 20 Quilt Giveaway.