Lifecoach Beth Montpas joins us on this episode of Create With Heidi. Beth explains why managing your mind is important to your lifestyle. The first step to managing your mind is to "name what you're feeling." Whether you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or scared it's important to vocalize what you are feeling. Start by simply stating your emotions. "I am feeling sad." This helps others to understand how you are feeling and lets you experience it so you can get past it. The second step is to take responsibility. Instead of placing blame on others for a feeling or an issue take responsibility! Figure out what you're part in the situation was and how you can fix it. The third and final step is to "shift it." Step back and look at what's around you. Are they helping you or are they hurting you? If the answer is negative then make the conscious decision step away from the problem and take a break. Go for a walk or relax for a couple of minutes and then go back to the situation with a positive mindset and shift the situation into a new direction. If you want to get in contact with Beth and learn more you can go to her website at https://bethmontpas.com/ or find her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/bethmontpascoach/