Pat Sloan is a quilting superstar and is joining us on this episode of Create With Heidi. Pat designs patterns, creates quilts, and even hosts sew-alongs. These sew-alongs help bring together people who are interested in quilting! During these sew-alongs, Pat releases a different block monthly or weekly for participants to make in order to get a feel for different techniques. These blocks then get combined into a quilt at the end of the sew-along. People joining in on the sew-along then get to post photos and share their creations in the online community that goes along with it. Pat's online community called Quilt Along with Pat Sloan includes around 172,000 people from all over the world! This community is a great way to get connected, share your passion, and learn new things! If you'd like to join Pat's quilting community head to https://www.facebook.com/groups/QuiltWithPatSloan/
To check out some of Pat's quilt patterns and designs you can head to her website at https://www.patsloan.com/
Pat also has another online community called Kitchen Adventures with Pat. Pat created this group because she loves to read recipes and food blogs! This group connects people who love to cook! Members in this group pass around recipes, give each other tips, and ask each other cooking-related questions! if you'd like to join Kitchen Adventures with Pat head to https://www.facebook.com/groups/KitchenAdventuresWithPat/
To check out some of Pat's quilt patterns and designs you can head to her website at https://www.patsloan.com/
Pat also has another online community called Kitchen Adventures with Pat. Pat created this group because she loves to read recipes and food blogs! This group connects people who love to cook! Members in this group pass around recipes, give each other tips, and ask each other cooking-related questions! if you'd like to join Kitchen Adventures with Pat head to https://www.facebook.com/groups/KitchenAdventuresWithPat/